Home » Telcom » Adtran Total Access 908
Part numbers are available for both single T1 and single ADSL2+ WAN interfaces.
The part number above provides the following: •Single T1/single Ethernet platform, 8 analog FXS interfaces, integrated DSX-1 •Ideal for networks transitioning to VoIP and an all IP voice and data WAN •See Alternate Configurations under System Options Tab to select part number for Total Access 908 chassis with a single ADSL2+ WAN interface
Manufacturer: Adtran Category: telcom Tags: Data Networking, WAN
Adtran Total Access 908
The Total Access 908 IP Business Gateway provides SIP-gateway functionality, a robust IP router, firewall and VPN functionality, and support for a number of analog and digital interfaces for existing phone equipment, or for the combination of an IP PBX and an analog fax, phones, or modem.Part numbers are available for both single T1 and single ADSL2+ WAN interfaces.
The part number above provides the following: •Single T1/single Ethernet platform, 8 analog FXS interfaces, integrated DSX-1 •Ideal for networks transitioning to VoIP and an all IP voice and data WAN •See Alternate Configurations under System Options Tab to select part number for Total Access 908 chassis with a single ADSL2+ WAN interface
Manufacturer: Adtran Category: telcom Tags: Data Networking, WAN